Program Osis Terbaik

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Contoh Pidato Bahasa Inggris Calon Ketua Osis – Berikut terdapat sebuah contoh pidato bahasa Inggris yang disampaikan oleh calon ketua osis, untuk menjabarkan visi dan misinya. Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.

Program osis yang terbaik

Nama program yang diikutinya adalah. Teman satu kelompoknya meraih kelompok terbaik dan bersama teman satu kelompoknya itu dinobatkan sebagai 10 ketua OSIS terbaik. Contoh Program Kerja OSIS SMA SEKBID 1. PEMBINAAN KEIMANAN DAN KETAKWAAN TERHADAP TUHAN YME. Nama: Yudi Asy’ari. PROGRAM JANGKA PANJANG SEKBID 3. May 6, 2018 - I do not believe that this program operates in violation of any law. I walked into the large conference room and saw that it was completely empty.

The Honourable our principal, Mrs. The Honourable all of my teachers. And all of my beloved friends. First of all, praise is merely to the Almighty Allah SWT for the gracious mercy and grace, therefore, we gather here in this lovely morning and place, in the Students Association Organization Leader Election.

Contoh Program Osis Smp

Ladies and gentlemen, Let me introduce myself. My name is Yuna Rianti. I am a student of XI Social Science Class.

I am a candidate of Students Association Organization Leader. Here, I would like to present my vision and missions to be the leader of students’ association leader. Ladies and gentlemen, My vision is to make the students of Tri Dharma senior high school become active, innovative, responsible and competitive. Then, to realize my vision as the leader of Students Association Organization, I will do some mission. First, I will grow the strong faith to God among the students by holding some religious events and also charity program, and other events in the Ramadhan month. Second, I will plant the sense of belonging as family among the students by holding a camp at school. Third, I will form a good organization team that is able to show their great identity, personality, and integrity as the example of good students.

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